Friday, January 9, 2009


Each cycle of life on earth consists of four yugas - Krita, Treta, Dwapara and Kali. We are right now in Kaliyuga at the end of which life on earth will be destroyed. In this yuga, the earth is meant to suffer. There is an interesting story about the Kaliyuga.

Towards the end of the Dwapara yuga, King Parikshit was wandering around the world. At one place, he saw a bull, with one leg, being beaten by a man in a king's attire. One enquiry, the King found out that the bull was none other than "Dharma". In the Krita yuga(the first yuga), the bull had four legs namely - austerity (tapas), purity (soucham), mercy (daya) and truth (satya). In the Treta Yuga, it lost one leg and supported itself on 3 legs. In Dwapara Yuga as Dharma degenerated, the bull lost another leg, but somehow managed to survive on just 2 legs. When Kaliyuga began, the bull, was left with only one leg. Kali in a king's attire was beating the this bull to get rid of its only leg - truth.

King Parikshit took pity at the bull and managed to drive Kali away. But Kali could not be killed. He went into hiding to come back in full strenght when Kali yuga set in.

As Kali Yuga advanced, even the single leg was lost and the bull just exists breathing and vegetating in its struggle for life having lost all Dharma that once sustained it.

In this Kaliyuga, lies and deceit stand tall. The only form of power is wealth. There is no value for human feelings. A truthful person is trampled upon by everyone. The only thing we can do is recite God's name and let Him guide us!


Dr. L. Ramakrishnan said...

Dear Indhu,

Excellent Piece. Keep it up



Ashwin said...

Good one..why dont you self publish such a collection as a book...its easy these days to publish your blog as a book

Rimjhim said...

Janaki, loved your blogs so far.. but am confused with this one... are u saying that we are in Kaliyug right now...? If so, then don't agree with leaving things upto God..last para seemed pessimistic.. as if saying accept defeat..
I think everyone should continue to fight to make the world around him/her a better place to live in.... just like what your other blogs hint on.. :)

Janaki said...

They say that Kaliyuga is the only yuga where only recitation of God's name is enough to get you good Karma. So my last paragraph actually says that we still have hope in worls!